
Filament, when run through the command line, allows the generation of template projects using either the lightbulb decorator-based command system, or the filament class-based command system. To generate a template project you should run the below command in the directory of your choice:

python -m lightbulb.ext.filament -n

This command will create a template using lightbulb’s decorator-based command system. If you would rather use filament’s class-based command system you should run the command with an additional argument: -s filament. This means the command would be as follows:

python -m lightbulb.ext.filament -n -s filament

The above commands will create a project with the following structure:

├─ exts/
│  ├─ __init__.py
│  ├─ ping.py
├─ __init__.py
├─ __main__.py
├─ bot.py

To run the bot, you should copy-paste your bot’s token into the token.txt file, replacing any text that is already present, then run the command python -m bot in the root of your project. The bot should then come online. You can verify that the bot is working correctly by running the !ping command.